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PoE for RevPi

Posted: 01 Oct 2018, 15:10
by NiMSumida

Our company is planning on deploying RevPi Core3s in some of our machines to collect data.
This requires the Pi to continue operating even when the machine is switched off.

In a previous topic I read that the RevPi is not neccessarily designed to run with PoE as it only roughly delivers 13W of power due to its possibly great number of extension modules.

My question:
Would this be sufficient for only a RevPi Core3 and a RevPi DIO extension?
And if it isn't, can I only power the Core and DIO with PoE and the INs and OUTs with the machine's 24V supply?

Could you maby recommend a fitting PoE adapter as well? :D
Thanks in advance!

Re: PoE for RevPi

Posted: 01 Oct 2018, 17:02
by dirk
According to the PoE standard (IEEE 802.3af-2003), PoE delivers 15.4 watts. Regarding the data sheets for the RevPi Core 3 and the DIO module they consume about 12 watts. But you have provide a separate power supply for the inputs and outputs of the DIO (X2 plug). Please understand that we can not give you a recommendation for a certain product.

Re: PoE for RevPi

Posted: 02 Oct 2018, 13:28
by NiMSumida
Hello Dirk,

thanks for the quick reply!
It seems as though the power is easily sufficient for my causes then.
I'll test it with the main power supply of the Core and the DIO being the PoE adapter and the I/Os powered by the machine!

Re: PoE for RevPi

Posted: 02 Oct 2018, 16:24
by dirk
Just to make it clear the RevPi product family neither provides PoE nor may be powered by a PoE connection. We talked about the possibility that a PoE adapter from PoE to V+ and V- would be able to power a RevPi Core Module.

Re: PoE for RevPi

Posted: 02 Oct 2018, 16:36
by NiMSumida
Yes, of course.
I'll attach a PoE splitter in between the PoE Swicht and the RevPi Core3 and provide power to the Core via the 24V OUT of the Splitter.

Hab grad gemerkt, dass ihr ja in Deutschland sitzt, da hätt ich's uns ja direkt noch 'n Stück einfacher machen können :lol:

Re: PoE for RevPi

Posted: 02 Oct 2018, 17:00
by dirk
Ist auch gut... gerne auch schwäbisch ... :)