Help Read Data Gateway Profinet Please!

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Joined: 12 Dec 2020, 17:49

Help Read Data Gateway Profinet Please!

Post by Jordi »


I am having problems communicating an ABB PLC to a RevPi with Profinet.
I have downloaded the Profinet Gateway GSD from RevPi and installed it in Codesys.
I have profinet master in Codesys (ABB PLC).

How can I read the data sent from Codesys to RevPi? Can I do it through piTest? Does anyone have an example?
I have the profinet gateway and a RevPi Core 3.
I need to read the data and make a HMI with that data in the node-red software.

Thanks in advance.
Best regards!

Re: Help Read Data Gateway Profinet Please!

Post by ->Johannes<- »

Hey Jordi,

yes, the data can be read via piTest. The variable names are stored in Pictory and you can read them with piTest. Furthermore, you can use these variable names in Node-RED.

If you only enter piTest, you get different options for reading or writing.

Code: Select all

pi@RevPi35239:~ $ piTest
Usage: piTest [OPTION]
- Shows infos from RevPiCore control process
- Reads values of RevPiCore process image
- Writes values to RevPiCore process image

                 -d: Get device list.

      -v <var_name>: Shows infos for a variable.

                 -1: execute the following read only once.

                 -q: execute the following read quietly, print only the value.

-r <var_name>[,<f>]: Reads value of a variable.
                     <f> defines the format: h for hex, d for decimal (default), b for binary
                     E.g.: -r Input_001,h
                     Read value from variable 'Input_001'.
                     Shows values cyclically every second.
                     Break with Ctrl-C.

   -r <o>,<l>[,<f>]: Reads <l> bytes at offset <o>.
                     <f> defines the format: h for hex, d for decimal (default), b for binary
                     E.g.: -r 1188,16
                     Read 16 bytes at offset 1188.
                     Shows values cyclically every second.
                     Break with Ctrl-C.

Here some tutorials for Node Red: Try it out.

Could you tell me a bit more about the background?
Is the ABB PLC an existing PLC that you are adding the RevPi to in order to process data? Or is this a completely new installation?

If you have further questions, we will of course try to support you.


Posts: 5
Joined: 12 Dec 2020, 17:49

Re: Help Read Data Gateway Profinet Please!

Post by Jordi »

I am adding the data with an existing PLC, which contains an AC500 CPU, I managed to communicate and read the data from the terminal.
But now a new problem has opened up for me.

In node-network I have created a button that when I activate it I write a value to an output via piTest.
As in the following example: ... plication/

How could I do to read that same output value?
I am trying to use the node "exec" with the command "piTest -r RevPiLED" connected to a text where I can display that value, but I have no success.
How should I connect the nodes or configure them to be able to do it?
Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards!

Re: Help Read Data Gateway Profinet Please!

Post by ->Johannes<- »

Hi Jordi,

try following command in your "exec"

Code: Select all

piTest -1 -q -r RevPiLED
-1: execute the following read only once.
-q: execute the following read quietly, print only the value.

Best regards

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