RevPi Connect+ with EtherNet/IP Gateway

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RevPi Connect+ with EtherNet/IP Gateway

Post by ChipD »

We have purchased a RevPi Connect+, along with an AIO, a DIO, and EtherNet/IP Gateway modules. The AIO and DIO modules seem to be working fine. We have not been able to get the Ethernet/IP Gateway to communicate on a bus. We have been able to get a valid configuration in PiCtory to work. We can also browse to the IP address of the EtherNet/IP Gateway and view the configuration pages. The NS LED is green and we see activity on the link LEDs, but the Power and MS LEDs always blink red. Is it possible that our EtherNet/IP Gateway is searching for another gateway module? Is there a setting to configure the gateway for communicating over PiBridge? We’re having trouble proceeding from here, so any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks!

PS. We originally had the bridge module connected to the ConBridge bus as we did not realize the PiBridge bus was only on one side of the Connect+. Could this have possibly damaged the Ethernet/IP Bridge?
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Re: RevPi Connect+ with EtherNet/IP Gateway

Post by dirk »

Hi, thank you for the analysis and the information you have provided. I hope that there is no damage on the device, let's see what we can do.
Could you provide the files or output of commands:

Code: Select all

piTest -d
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Re: RevPi Connect+ with EtherNet/IP Gateway

Post by ChipD »

RevPi.png (353.76 KiB) Viewed 4516 times
Hi Dirk,
Running PiTest pointed us in the right direction. piTestoutput.txt showed that our bridge was not connected to the RevPi (see below). We noticed that the Ethernet/IP module was not lined up with the adjacent module. We were able to correct the alignment and reseat the PiBridge connector. Now it works!
We had the module on a din rail that was not bolted to anything and in this state just a slight pressure to the top of the Ethernet IP module caused it to disconnect again. We bolted down the din rail and added some good end barriers to hold the modules tightly together. We can still cause the the Ethernet/IP Bridge to disconnect but it takes a significant amount of force to cause it now. I'm still a bit concerned about what may happen with vibration in the field. Are there any additional mounting accesories that may help?

Address: 29 module type: 32843 (0x804b) Gateway EtherNet/IP V0.0
Module is NOT present, data is NOT available!!!
input offset: 0 length: 480
output offset: 480 length: 480
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Re: RevPi Connect+ with EtherNet/IP Gateway

Post by dirk »

Hi ChipD, thank you for your feedback and sharing your ideas. Have a look at the tutorial "How to Mount RevPi Modules on a DIN Rail".
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