Unable to create Img

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Unable to create Img

Post by msfin303 »

I have just switched on our Revpi for the first time yesterday....
However I have a small problem

I have followed all your documentation on how to create a backup img
https://revolution.kunbus.com/tutorials ... ll-jessie/
And also from

I have a windows 7 & 10 machine + 2 linux machines .... Using either Windows or linux to make a backup image has not been possible....
The Rev pi is doing something and is going into a "recovery mode" when I plug the micro USB from the Pc to the Revpi and power up....
Windows 7 or Windows 10 or any of my Linux machines are unable to detect it...

When the rev pi is booted normally it seems to work OK and I can connect to it through ssh + web interface ...
I have done nothing else so far as I wish just to make a recovery image, but so far not having any success

Any Advice???
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Re: Unable to create Img

Post by dirk »

Dear msfin303, did you install and start "RPiBoot.exe" ? Bcause if not the USB connection is not able to find a device for it. Just have a look at the Quick Start Guide or the Tutorial 01 – Creation of an image . There is no "recovery mode". The RevPi does simply not boot if it detects a signal on the micro USB pin which is what you want here in order to get access to the eMMC.
Now the PC has to load a proper driver and then you are able to read or write an image of the system.
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Re: Unable to create Img

Post by msfin303 »

Hi Dirk

Thank you for your reply
Yes I can confirm I did install RPiBoot.exe which I got from
https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentati ... lashing.md
which I installed on both windows 7 and Windows 10 machines .... Installed OK and runs OK. But does not see the RevPi

I also did a GIT clone from
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/raspberrypi/usbboot
compiled the application and run the rpiboot on my Linux PC's
Of which I tried on 2 computers as well .... Installed OK and runs OK. But does not see the RevPi

What I can confirm is when I boot the Rev Pi with only the Micro USB connected ... The DIO and AIO flash red and stay flashing ... (RevPi Green Power LED on)
When I disconnect the Micro USB and connect with Ethernet ... The DIO and AIO flash red but go green after a minute + (RevPi Green Power LED on)
So to me this confirms The revpi must be booting differently ...

Plus I can confirm I have also tried different Micro USB cables

Hope this is of help

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Re: Unable to create Img

Post by dirk »

Hi Sean, well it is unlikely that we have sent you a device with a hardware error as the end test uses the micro USB connection to flash the devices. But in the end I just can ask you to use other USB hosts i.e. laptops, etc. and try it again. There are unfortunately always users that run into such show-stoppers at the beginning... The last thing I can offer you is to send you an RMA and we will check the moule here. So it is up to you. Shall I send you a RMA form?
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Re: Unable to create Img

Post by msfin303 »

Hi Dirk

Finally .................
I must apologise the issue looks to be my fault ...
I tried a 3rd USB cable and I manage to create an image using the Linux software from

I am shocked... One cable to be faulty I can understand - 2 cables to be faulty - very unlucky

Thanks Dirk for your time and patience ...... All good :-)

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