It would be nice if there is a very minimal RevPi OS-image. In our situation we have a RevPi3 with some modules which are controlled with Python.
In a production environment we want only the minimum of the OS with the needed packages. Because it makes the attack-vector smaller but also updating way easier. And it saves space.
So is it possible to create an OS-image with only the minimum amount of packages needed to run?. Only include SSH and Python, no graphical environment or something else. This means even if it is possible remove PiCtory and the webserver, so creating a configuration-file have to be done on another system (maybe with IDs etc from that specific system) (cloud service from Kunbus?) and then moved via SSH to the RevPi. It seems a lot of work, but mostly you do it once for a system.
Minimal RevPi3 OS-image
Hi, have a look at this post how easy it is to build your own RevPi image. Works like a charm and is ready in a couple of minutes. You may place the desired additional Debian packages in a separate directory as well.
Thanks! I will give it a try. Just another question : Can I export a configuration created with picTory and manually import it into another RevPi?
The active configuration is here:
Just copy it to the other device. Then set the permissions i.e. as follows:
Code: Select all
$ ll /var/www/pictory/projects/_config.rsc
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www-data www-data 8521 Oct 18 13:51 /var/www/pictory/projects/_config.rsc
Code: Select all
$ sudo chown www-data /var/www/pictory/projects/_config.rsc
$ sudo chmod 664 /var/www/pictory/projects/_config.rsc