I have written my own application in c++/js and now would like to move away from using. pictory to setup and assign the IO. How is pictory assigning names to the IO ? Is this information kept in a file somewhere that can read/modify and make?
pictory I/O config
The configuration form PiCtory is stored in the file in JSON format "/var/www/pictory/projects/_config.rsc". There is also a symbolic link to this file on "/etc/revpi/config.rsc" just to round it up.
This file is read during startup and on each reset of the PiControl driver i.e. by the command "piTest -x". Please be careful about the user permissions of the file as "www-data" is the Webservers´ user which i.e. is used by PiCtory.
This file is read during startup and on each reset of the PiControl driver i.e. by the command "piTest -x". Please be careful about the user permissions of the file as "www-data" is the Webservers´ user which i.e. is used by PiCtory.