Die häufigste und einfachste Aufgabe ist das Eventsystem zu verwenden und eine Status LED am Core blinken zu lassen (Signalisiert: Programm läuft). Dies haben wir in unserem Beispiel aufgenommen (neben einer Eventbasierten FlipFlop-Schaltung). Natürlich können auf diese Art noch ganz andere Dinge im While-Loop erledigt werden.
Genaue Beschreibung inkl. piCtory hier: https://revpimodio.org/events-und-zyklisch/
Code: Select all
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) Sven Sager, License: GPLv3
"""Combined events with mainloop() and own cyclic functions.
Let the LED A1 blink green during program is running. Switch on output O_1
if I_1 goes to True and switch off output O_1 if I_1 goes to True again.
piCtory Setup: RevPICore | DIO
import revpimodio2
class MyRevPiApp():
"""Mainapp for RevPi."""
def __init__(self):
"""Init MyRevPiApp class."""
# Instantiate RevPiModIO
self.rpi = revpimodio2.RevPiModIO(autorefresh=True)
# Handle SIGINT / SIGTERM to exit program cleanly
# Register event to toggle output O_1 with input I_1
self.rpi.io.I_1.reg_event(self.event_flipflop_o1, edge=revpimodio2.RISING)
def cleanup_revpi(self):
"""Cleanup function to leave the RevPi in a defined state."""
# Switch of LED and outputs before exit program
self.rpi.core.a1green.value = False
self.rpi.io.O_1.value = False
def event_flipflop_o1(self, ioname, iovalue):
"""Called if I_1 goes to True."""
# Switch on/off output O_1
self.rpi.io.O_1.value = not self.rpi.io.O_1.value
def start(self):
"""Start event system and own cyclic loop."""
# Start event system without blocking here
# My own loop to do some work next to the event system. We will stay
# here till self.rpi.exitsignal.wait returns True after SIGINT/SIGTERM
while not self.rpi.exitsignal.wait(0.5):
# Switch on / off green part of LED A1 | or do other things
self.rpi.core.a1green.value = not self.rpi.core.a1green.value
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Start RevPiApp app
root = MyRevPiApp()