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RevPi Connect

Posted: 03 Aug 2018, 13:37
by JMallie

We just bought 2 devices. We connect the first one. We loose the ssh connection after 5 min. The web page doesn't respond and ping neither. We need to restart the RevPi Connect.

Any idea ?

We'll try now with the second one.

Thank you

Re: RevPi Connect

Posted: 03 Aug 2018, 14:03
by volker
The device has a HW watchdog,which (when enabled) needs to be served every minute by toggeling a bit in the Process image. If you do not do so the device does a cold start (power cycle). So please check if you have disabled the WD by putting a wire bridge between "WD" pin and "GND" of X4 just as shown on the table of the side printing of the device.

Re: RevPi Connect

Posted: 03 Aug 2018, 14:37
by JMallie
Thank you for your answer. We are trying. (I'll post the update)
The second one is working fine and is more performant. (no difference between both....).

Re: RevPi Connect

Posted: 03 Aug 2018, 15:04
by JMallie
Thank you. Stable now and performant. Thanks for your quick help.