We just bought 2 devices. We connect the first one. We loose the ssh connection after 5 min. The web page doesn't respond and ping neither. We need to restart the RevPi Connect.
Any idea ?
We'll try now with the second one.
Thank you
RevPi Connect
The device has a HW watchdog,which (when enabled) needs to be served every minute by toggeling a bit in the Process image. If you do not do so the device does a cold start (power cycle). So please check if you have disabled the WD by putting a wire bridge between "WD" pin and "GND" of X4 just as shown on the table of the side printing of the device.
Unser RevPi Motto: Don't just claim it - make it!
Thank you for your answer. We are trying. (I'll post the update)
The second one is working fine and is more performant. (no difference between both....).
The second one is working fine and is more performant. (no difference between both....).
Thank you. Stable now and performant. Thanks for your quick help.