AWS Greengrass

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AWS Greengrass

Post by sebastiaan »

This week I received the RevPi I ordered and now I'm trying to connect it to AWS Greengrass to function as a core. The Greengrass software doesn't start. Googling the error given I found out it has something to do with the kernel and OverlayFS being available. The kernel installed is at version 4.4 and AWS recommends using version 4.9.

How close is the RevPi to a regular Raspberry Pi? Can I run raspi-update or dist-upgrade to upgrade the kernel without loosing any functionality of the RevPi or bricking the device?

In a different topic about Azure I read that someone managed to get AWS Greengrass running on the RevPi however unfortunately it did not mention how.
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Re: AWS Greengrass

Post by volker »

1) I definitely know that AWS semselves are using our RevPi Core 3 and could install successfully their Greengrass.
2) I definitely know thta they used the actual RevPi kernel.
3) I know that AWS needed a certain function to be set for the kernel which was not set in a olde version of our kernel. It is set in the actual kernel.
4) You should not need to compile the kernel rom Github to run AWS Greengrass
5) We are close to releasing the 4.9 kernel. It will be definitely installed on the new RevPi Connect and there will be an upgrade to 4.9 available.
6) Never use the original kernel i you like to use the RevPi as an industrial grade control dvice: The PiBridge driver and a real time patch are part of our kernel and there has been many more corrections of bugs rom the original kernel which we have removed.
7) Try to aks AWS about installing greengras on a Revolution Pi device. They know how to do it and should be able to describe it if thee is any fancy things to be taken care of when doing so.
8) Good luck!
Unser RevPi Motto: Don't just claim it - make it!
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