Hallo Peter,
die Doku für die ioctls ist halbfertig, im nächsten Image wird sie komplett sein. Die Vorabversion füge ich unten ein.
Der Unterschied zwischen KB_GET_DEVICE_INFO und KB_GET_DEVICE_INFO_LIST ist, dass KB_GET_DEVICE_INFO_LIST die Daten von allen Devices in ein Array schriebt, während KB_GET_DEVICE_INFO nur ein Device liefert.
PICONTROL_IOCTL(4) Revolution Pi Programmer's Manual PICONTROL_IOCTL(4)
picontrol_ioctl - ioctls for piControl driver
#include <piControl.h>
int ioctl(int fd, int cmd, ...);
The ioctl(2) call for piControl accepts many possible command arguments. Most require a third argument, of varying type, here called argp or arg.
Get information from the configuration file
The web application PiCtory is used to configure the I/O- and virtual modules. It writes the configuration to the file /etc/revpi/config.rsc. The piControl driver reads this file when it is started. Most applications can
use the following commands to retrieve some information from configuration. Then they do not need to parse the configuration file themself.
This call provides information about the configured and connected modules. A pointer to an array of 64 entries of type SDeviceInfo must be passed as argument.
The return value is the number of entries filled the array.
KB_GET_DEVICE_INFO SDeviceInfo *argp
This call provides information about one module. A pointer to a structure of type SDeviceInfo must be passed as argument. Ether the element i8uAddress must be set to the address of the module which information should
be returned. Or the element i16uModuleType must be set to the type of the module. In this case it it only possible to retireve informations about the first module of that typ in the confiugration. The available types
are defined in with the defines KUNBUS_FW_DESCR_TYP_... in the file common_define.h.
The struct SDeviceInfo used by this ioctls is defined as
typedef struct SDeviceInfoStr {
uint8_t i8uAddress; // Address of module in current configuration
uint32_t i32uSerialnumber; // serial number of module
uint16_t i16uModuleType; // Type identifier of module
uint16_t i16uHW_Revision; // hardware revision
uint16_t i16uSW_Major; // major software version
uint16_t i16uSW_Minor; // minor software version
uint32_t i32uSVN_Revision; // svn revision of software
uint16_t i16uInputLength; // length in bytes of all input values together
uint16_t i16uOutputLength; // length in bytes of all output values together
uint16_t i16uConfigLength; // length in bytes of all config values together
uint16_t i16uBaseOffset; // offset in process image
uint16_t i16uInputOffset; // offset in process image of first input byte
uint16_t i16uOutputOffset; // offset in process image of first output byte
uint16_t i16uConfigOffset; // offset in process image of first config byte
uint16_t i16uFirstEntry; // index of entry
uint16_t i16uEntries; // number of entries in process image
uint8_t i8uModuleState; // fieldbus state of piGate Module
uint8_t i8uActive; // == 0 means that the module is not present and no data is available
uint8_t i8uReserve[30]; // space for future extensions without changing the size of the struct
} SDeviceInfo;
Find a variable in the process image by its name. A pointer to a structure of type SPIVariable must be passed as argument. Before the call the name of the variable must be written as zero terminated string to the ele‐
ment strVarName. After a successful call i16uAddress is set to the offset of the variable in the process image. i16uLength if the length of the value in bits. It can be 1, 8, 16 or 32. If it is one, i8uBit tells
the bit position [0..7] in the byte. 2 and 4 byte values ar stored in little endian byte order. The address is not alligned to a mutiple of the variable length.
The struct SPIVariable used by this ioctl is defined as
typedef struct SPIVariableStr
char strVarName[32]; // Variable name
uint16_t i16uAddress; // Address of the byte in the process image
uint8_t i8uBit; // 0-7 bit position, >= 8 whole byte
uint16_t i16uLength; // length of the variable in bits.
// Possible values are 1, 8, 16 and 32
} SPIVariable;
Set and get values of the process image
Read one bit or one byte from the process image. Before the call the elements i16uAddress and i8uBit must be set to the address of the value. This call is more efficient than the usual calls of seek and read because
only one function call is necessary.
Write one bit or one byte to the process image. Before the call the elements i16uAddress and i8uBit must be set to the address of the value. i8uValue must set to the value to write. This call is more efficient than
the usual calls of seek and write because only one function call is necessary. If more than on application are writing bits in one output byte, this call is the only safe way to set a bit without overwriting the
other bits because this call is doning a read-modify-write-cycle.
The struct SPIValue used by this ioctl is defined as
typedef struct SPIValueStr
uint16_t i16uAddress; // Address of the byte in the process image
uint8_t i8uBit; // 0-7 bit position, >= 8 whole byte
uint8_t i8uValue; // Value: 0/1 for bit access, whole byte otherwise
} SPIValue;
KB_SET_EXPORTED_OUTPUTS const void *argp
Write all output values to the hardware at once.
This call is used by the main application controlling the outputs. The application must have a complete copy of the process image. It sets the output values in its own copy and calls this ioctl with a pointer to the
image as arguments. This call locks the process image and copies all output values where the export checkmark is set in PiCtory. Afterwards piControl transfers the values to the I/O modules. In the current version
only one application should call this ioctl.
Reset counters and encoders to 0 in an input module.
Inputs of DIO and DI modules can be configured as counters or encoders in PiCtroy. After a reset they start at 0. This call can be used set one or more of the values to 0 at the same time.
The argument must be pointer of a structure of type SDIOResetCounter. The element i8uAddress must be set to the address of DIO or DI module as shown in PiCtory, e. g. 32 if the DIO is on the right of the RevPi.
The element i16uBitfield defines which counters will be reset. If a counter is configured on input I_3 and an encoder is configured on the inputs I_6 and I_7, the bits 2 and 5 must be set to 1, i16uBitfield must be
set to the value 0x0024.
The struct SDIOResetCounter used by this ioctl is defined as
typedef struct SDIOResetCounterStr
uint8_t i8uAddress; // Address of module in current configuration
uint16_t i16uBitfield; // bitfield, if bit n is 1, reset counter/encoder on input n
} SDIOResetCounter;
A description of the project and further information can be found at
Linux 2018-01-23 PICONTROL_IOCTL(4)