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Instaling X and Chromium / Kiosk mode
Posted: 15 Jan 2018, 09:25
by Mark0328
Please teach us about installing X and Chromium / Kiosk mode into Kunbus.
Re: Instaling X and Chromium / Kiosk mode
Posted: 15 Jan 2018, 11:10
by volker
You do not need to install X, it is part of the JESSIE Image like on every Raspberry Pi. Just type in <startx> at the command line. If you want to start automatically into GUI instead of command line please use <sudo raspi-config> and change the boot mode into "start into GUI" and "without password".
You then have to autostart your browser. Most Raspi users do use the build in browser. You may install any other browser using <sudo apt install xxxx> where x is the package name in the repository. Please use Google "How to install chromium on a raspberry pi" to learn how to do this for chromium.
For kios mode of your browser you need to start the browser with a specific parameter of your browser. Please google for "how to start chromium in browser mode" to find the correct parameters for chromium.
To autostart any GUI based program you need to edit a file. please follow these instructions here: ... on-startup
There are other options to do this work (you could add a menu entry in the main menu for autostart options and then go to this menu entry to start a form in which you can enter any programs which shall be started after X-session has started.
Hope this help. Good luck!