Hello everybody,
I am experiencing a strange issue.
I was able to import both our RevPi Connect 4 and our DI Module into CODESYS
I have tried to use these modules without any configuration in Pictory but it did not work as planned.
I tried it with the 64bit and the 32bit version of Bullseye, 64bit version didnt quite work as it wasnt able to convert from 'LWORD' to 'DWORD', yes i tried the new library, but since the new version isnt supported by the support it was just one of the tries i hoped would work.
the Connect 4 is flashing his lights, as it should be, the 32bit bullseye image did, what it was supposed to.
Everything works fine until it gets to the point where i have to configurate the Out- and Inputs because, there, it doesnt let me do that.
i gave power to IN_CH2 and the IN_CH13 went to true.
every input that had variables configurated went to >bad<
now im stuck with no idea left.
Every idea would be great appreciated.
please let me know if you need any Data to understand the matter.
Thanks in Advance!!
CodeSYS Input
Hello Renom,
perhaps you are using a library version which does not yet support the RevPi Connect 4 since you are converting from 'LWORD' to 'DWORD'.
For RevPi Connect 4 you should give the development revolutionpibridge-V1.4.1.99 beta a try.
The support will be for the release version, but you are free to post any observed issues.
Further tips:
perhaps you are using a library version which does not yet support the RevPi Connect 4 since you are converting from 'LWORD' to 'DWORD'.
For RevPi Connect 4 you should give the development revolutionpibridge-V1.4.1.99 beta a try.
The support will be for the release version, but you are free to post any observed issues.
Further tips:
- What does the output of "piTest -d" show? Is the RevPi DI module listed?
- Follow the steps from the CODESYS Checklist which is the easiest way to put CODESYS on the RevPi to work.
- Did you configure PlaceholderFilePath in:
Code: Select all
- Check out codesyscontrol.log entries from
Code: Select all
In the attached screenshot you can see that the module is not present nor that the data is available.
I went throught the checklist and followed every step, the bridge is recognized but unfortunately the connector is not.
I went throught the checklist and followed every step, the bridge is recognized but unfortunately the connector is not.
Hi vittoriom94, somtimes the problem relates to the fact, that you have connected the DI on one side of the RevPi Connect 4 but configured it on the other side?