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RevPi Connect 4 Wifi 2.4Ghz problems

Posted: 06 Mar 2024, 22:21
by stgj

I am wondering if anyone else have the same problem as me.
I am not able to connect the Wifi of the RevPi Connect 4 to a 2.4Ghz band. Only 5Ghz. My home router has both. Connects to 5Ghz easy. Not my 2.4Ghz.
When roaming the internet for solutions I understand that many have problems with Raspberry Pi 4 2.4Ghz connection if a USB 3.0 port is used for some reason.
One example: ... tspot/6292
Is it something in the RevPi Connect 4 that might mess things up?

I want to use my iPhone 14 as a hotspot for the Wifi on the RevPi Connect 4.
But the RevPi only finds a 2.4Ghz connection for my hotspot. And since it can’t connect to a 2.4Ghz then thats an issue.
In the settings of the iPhone you can turn off compatibility. The iPhone will then only use 5Ghz. But then the RevPi dont find the SSID for some reason.
I am able, without problems, to connect my Windows 10 laptop to my iPhone hotspot, both 2.4 and 5Ghz.

Anyone else?

Best regard

Re: RevPi Connect 4 Wifi 2.4Ghz problems

Posted: 07 Mar 2024, 09:04
by dirk
Hi Steffen, thank you very much for your detailed description of the problem. Yes, unfortunately, the Wi-Fi connection on the Revolution Pi currently seams be limited on 5.4 GHz at the moment.
We are working on understanding the issue in detail.

Re: RevPi Connect 4 Wifi 2.4Ghz problems

Posted: 07 Mar 2024, 10:13
by nicolaiB
Hi Steffen,

please check if the problem still occurs, if the external antenna is activated. Even without an antenna connected the short pigtail can bring improvements.

You can enable the antenna as following:

Code: Select all

# Enable external antenna
sudo revpi-config enable external-antenna

# Reboot device
sudo reboot

# Try again to connect ...

Re: RevPi Connect 4 Wifi 2.4Ghz problems

Posted: 07 Mar 2024, 10:19
by RamiGspo
Could you please try this?

Code: Select all

sudo revpi-config enable external-antenna
sudo reboot now

Re: RevPi Connect 4 Wifi 2.4Ghz problems

Posted: 08 Mar 2024, 09:02
by todor.v.dimitrov

I might have a related issue. I've just written the Bullseye image on a Revolution Pi and when I attach a WLAN adapter to a USB port and try to connect to the network through it, the system freezes. I will update you if I find anything interesting.

Kind regards,

Edit: I am talking about a Core S

Re: RevPi Connect 4 Wifi 2.4Ghz problems

Posted: 08 Mar 2024, 14:43
by todor.v.dimitrov
Update: I am using a Revolution Pi Core S. I used the latest Bullseye image to update to 64-bit OS and whenever I start the GUI and my 2.3GHz Wi-Fi adapter tries to connect to the network, everything freezes as if the kernel is in an infinite loop - cursors or Num Lock don't move or blink and nothing is accessible. Otherwise internet works great with cable, but I couldn't test a 5.4GHz Wi-Fi.

Re: RevPi Connect 4 Wifi 2.4Ghz problems

Posted: 08 Mar 2024, 14:51
by stgj
I tried to enable the external antenna. After reboot I entered

Code: Select all

sudo revpi-config status external-antenna

and got a "1" as a result. I take it that the external antenna then is activated.

The thing that is so annoying is that the iPhone have 5Ghz, but the RevPi can’t find it, but the PC does. Turning on the "compatibility" will turn on the 2.4Ghz hotspot, and the RevPi finds it immediately, but still can’t connect.
I have tried scanning for the 5Ghz after enabling the external antenna, but to no prevail.

Best regards

Re: RevPi Connect 4 Wifi 2.4Ghz problems

Posted: 08 Mar 2024, 16:35
by stgj
I was a bit brief on my last post.
I am with the external antenna enabled able to connect to my home routers 2.4Ghz.
I turned the antenna off and I lost connection. Turned the antenna on and now able to connect to my home routers 2.4Ghz.

Not my phone though. Get only Error: Connection activation failed: (7) Secrets were required, but not provided.

Best regards

Re: RevPi Connect 4 Wifi 2.4Ghz problems

Posted: 10 Mar 2024, 19:27
by stgj
So, I got some time today for more testing.

I had to delete the old connection to my phone.

Code: Select all

nmcli connection delete <id>
I then tried to connect to my iPhone hotspot 2,4Ghz. With the external antenna activated I’m able to connect.

Code: Select all

nmcli dev wifi connect "SSIDname" password "PASSWORD"
The last thing I am not able to do is for the RevPi to find my iPhone 5Ghz hotspot. It finds my home router 5Ghz.
It might be that I would need an actual external antenna to my RevPi for this to be successful.

Best regards

Re: RevPi Connect 4 Wifi 2.4Ghz problems

Posted: 11 Mar 2024, 09:26
by todor.v.dimitrov

I'm attaching a pic of the log when the issue occurs, unfortunately couldn't get it in text format as the system wipes it out. This is a pic at the moment at which I plug in a Wi-Fi adapter into a USB port. It says "alignment fault", I assume in my case there is a 32/64 bit issue.
