Currently RevPi AIO module are not supporting TC Sensor therefore we need to get a Signal conditioning to convert it into 4-20mA or 0-10V.
Is there any recommendations for this or any development toward a built-in TC modules?
Using TC Sensor on RevPi AIO Module
Using TC Sensor on RevPi AIO Module
I'm new to RevPi but hoping to understand it to help my company sells
Re: Using TC Sensor on RevPi AIO Module
Hello fandi,
the RevPi AIO module has 2 measurement inputs only for platinum resistance thermometers (RTD, Pt100/Pt1000). To read a TC sensor you need a measuring amplifier with input T/C and output mA (4-20mA). Then you can process the values with the RevPi AIO module.
Support | KUNBUS
the RevPi AIO module has 2 measurement inputs only for platinum resistance thermometers (RTD, Pt100/Pt1000). To read a TC sensor you need a measuring amplifier with input T/C and output mA (4-20mA). Then you can process the values with the RevPi AIO module.
Support | KUNBUS