I am working on a project and I am trying to implement multiple TF02-i-485 LiDars onto my system through a RevPi connect, I saw that there is a RS485 BUS on the master, how would I go about connecting multiple through multiple slaves? Also how would I be able to get the outputs from each individual sensor
The manual and datasheet are as follows:
https://files.seeedstudio.com/products/ ... Manual.pdf
https://files.seeedstudio.com/products/ ... asheet.pdf
Connecting multiple LiDars
Re: Connecting multiple LiDars
Hello Zoroloong,
thank you for contacting us and for your interest in our product. With the RevPi connect, you are on the right track to implement your system. I also recommend you to read the article below, which describes clearly and in detail how to configure the communication with Modbus RTU via the RevPi connect. The RevPi connect should be configured as a slave.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best Regards,
Ulrich Kouatang Biakoup | Technical Support
thank you for contacting us and for your interest in our product. With the RevPi connect, you are on the right track to implement your system. I also recommend you to read the article below, which describes clearly and in detail how to configure the communication with Modbus RTU via the RevPi connect. The RevPi connect should be configured as a slave.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best Regards,
Ulrich Kouatang Biakoup | Technical Support
Re: Connecting multiple LiDars
I was trying to connect multiple LiDars through the slave configuration that was provided, what device would I use for this and how I would access each individual LiDar after I connect them?
Re: Connecting multiple LiDars
Hello zoroloong, you can address several devices by giving each Modbus RTU server a different address. You have to make sure that the bus is not Y-shaped, but is an end-to-end connection and that there is a terminating resistor at each end.