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Issues controlling Analog Output

Posted: 22 Sep 2023, 15:27
by MattIO

I'm currently performing some work for our client who has just purchased a RevPi Connect 4 and a MIO, we are currently attempting to read an input voltage (AnalogInput_1) and based on that reading, turn an output (AnalogOutput_1) either on (10v) or off (0v).

So far I am successfully able to read the input without issue and have confirmed that the reading is correct, the problem I am now having is controlling our output. When i try to set AnalogOutput_1 to 10v nothing happens, however when i set a value of 0 the voltage increases to 10v and after this I am unable to alter the voltage. I have followed the tutorial and have set the following for AnalogOutput_1:

  • AnalogOutputLogicLevel_1: 0
  • AnalogOutput_1: 10000
  • AnalogOutputMode_1: analogOutput
  • OutputLogicLevelVoltage_1: 0

My code is below:

Code: Select all

import time
import revpimodio2

def loop(cycletools):
    timestamp_milliseconds = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

    #list =

    analog_value1 =

    #voltage stays at 0v = 10000

    #voltage goes to 10v and is stuck = 0

    #voltage goes to 10v and is stuck = 1

	#what we ideally need
    if(analog_value1 > 1000):
        #turn output to 10v = 10000
        #turn output off (0v) = 0

    analog_value2 =
    print(timestamp_milliseconds, analog_value1,analog_value2)
# create new instance of revpimodio2 
rpi = revpimodio2.RevPiModIO(autorefresh=True)

# catch SIGINT and handle proper release of all IOs

# start cycle loop, cycle time in milliseconds
rpi.cycleloop(loop, cycletime=2000)

Once running this code I have to use the "Reset Driver" option in PiCtory to set the output back to 0v.

I'm probably doing something wrong so apologies. We are C# developers, we don't work with Python and IOT devices typically, any help would be appreciated. If you need anymore information please let me know.


Re: Issues controlling Analog Output

Posted: 26 Sep 2023, 16:13
by u.biakoup
Hello MattIO,
let's troubleshoot this together.
First, have a look at how to commission MIO in this tutorial.
If you have followed the checklist and still haven't found a solution, feel free to contact me again.

Yours sincerely,

Ulrich Kouatang Biakoup | Technical Support