RevPi SE vs. RevPi S

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Joined: 12 Apr 2023, 14:15

RevPi SE vs. RevPi S

Post by Alessandro »

Hi RevPi team/community,

I know this is already answerd somewhat on your homepage but I still want to verify it, since I am a newbie to the PLC world.
My question is, is it possible to use the RevPi Core SE as a Master PLC with TCP/IP or do i need the specific gateway module for it and therefore the RevPi Core S.
My use case is to controll 4 motordrivers (IGUS Drylin D1) via TCP/IP and for this i would directly connect the RevPi Core SE with a switch and then from the switch to the 4 motordrivers and send data via TCP/IP or CANbus protocoll.
As far as i understood this the RevPi Core S and the Gateway modules are only needed if i want to utilize/combine multiple protocols.

Thanks in advance,
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Joined: 09 Mar 2022, 13:08

Re: RevPi SE vs. RevPi S

Post by giuseppe »

Hello Alessandro,
I know this is already answerd somewhat on your homepage but I still want to verify it, since I am a newbie to the PLC world.
My question is, is it possible to use the RevPi Core SE as a Master PLC with TCP/IP or do i need the specific gateway module for it and therefore the RevPi Core S.
If you want to create master applications, you need CODESYS or similar. There you can configure any ETH port as master, with all supported protocols. With ModbusTCP/RTU you do not need any third party software.
The following link might help you:
Commissioning Modular Gateway Ethernet/IP with Codesys
My use case is to controll 4 motordrivers (IGUS Drylin D1) via TCP/IP and for this i would directly connect the RevPi Core SE with a switch and then from the switch to the 4 motordrivers and send data via TCP/IP or CANbus protocoll.
the "IGUS Drylin D1"has the following Interfaces for the communication
CANopen (DS 402), Modbus TCP als Gateway (CiA 309), Ethernet, Bitcodierung, Takt/Richtung

for this, you can use the virtual Modbus TCP MASTER/SLAVE module.
see in the link below:
RevolutionPi Gateway Tutorial
As far as I understood this the RevPi Core S and the Gateway modules are only needed if i want to utilize/combine multiple protocols.
to better understand the KUNBUS gateways, take a look at the following article in the link below.
How to use the KUNBUS Gateway modules

Best regards
Giuseppe Pagano
Posts: 2
Joined: 12 Apr 2023, 14:15

Re: RevPi SE vs. RevPi S

Post by Alessandro »

Hello Giuseppe,

thank you for your quick response.

I initially asked this question because the CORE S type is not available on the market currently.
Therfore I'll have to stick with the SE type.

I've read the links you provided me and gained some useful insights, thanks for that.
For controlling the IGUS Drylin D1, I will most likley stick to the Bitcodierung mode, since it seems to be the most straight forward way.
And for controlling i found the REVPIMODIO Python3 library which also seems an easy and quick way of implementing functional code to controll my DI/DO.
Now i only need to find a way to create and implement an HMI to get user inputs for my application...
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