Can't connect Revpi Flat via SSH

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Can't connect Revpi Flat via SSH

Post by febles096 »


I'm new to this type of work and I received the work of configuring a DHCP server on my RevPi Flat, so I have started working on it. I just modified some things inside and tested, but nothing worked, so, following some tutorials I just rebooted my RevPi Flat to see if there were some changes, but then I can not connect anymore to it. I explain myself:

I have my RevPi Flat connected to my computer via ethernet cable (LAN 0), and then connected to another device (LAN 1). So, when I did (in Debian) the nmap for the ip's, I could see 2 IP, and I normally can ssh to the second one, connecting to the RevPi with my set password. Now, after the reboot, I can only see the first IP address, so I can't connect (via ssh Pi@) to the RevPi Flat to do a factory reset.

So, my question here is if there is any way to make a factory reset of my RevPi Flat without ssh it. Can you give me a hand on this? If there is any doubt, we can take a look and maybe I can explain myself better.
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Re: Can't connect Revpi Flat via SSH

Post by dirk »

that comes with the product, which is available without eMMC interface. An error in the network configuration and nothing works anymore.
But it is fortunately not so - here are the options:
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Re: Can't connect Revpi Flat via SSH

Post by febles096 »

Hi, thanks for the response.

I'm trying to access by the RS485, but I know that we didn't configure the console interface in the RevPi Flat before, so I think this is a dead end for this method, right??
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Re: Can't connect Revpi Flat via SSH

Post by dirk »

Hello febles096, yes because you have to adjust the "/boot/cmdline.txt" before as described :-( ... rect=en_US
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