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old image on Core 3

Posted: 23 Aug 2017, 17:14
by lms
I have an RevPi Core Image with the setup that we need.
We restore the image on all the RevPi Core that we ship, so they are configured for our purpose, my question is:
Is it possible to install a image from RevPi Core on a Core 3?
And a second question. When we restore the image all REvPi gets the same macadr? How can we change this.

Re: old image on Core 3

Posted: 23 Aug 2017, 17:33
by volker
As for your question about deployment of an image copy:
Please delete file ".revpi-factory-reset" in your home directory BEFORE you make the copy of the image. The copy will then behave like a fresh image from our server: When booting the new system for the first time you will be asked for entering the MAC printed on the front of the RevPi Core's case.
If you would rather give the copies each one an individual MAC yourself then please change the MAC entry in the /boot/cmdline.txt file after you've installed the copy (smsc95xx.macaddr=.....).

As for your question about the image of an old CM1 devcice: We're sorry but you won't be able to use it on a CM3 device. You could try and upgrade your CM1 image yourself using our infos at GitHub (we've described in detail what we have done when switching to CM3) but this will be a tough job because we've upgraded to Jessie too and you may want to stay with Wheezy. Maybe it's a better way to take out Jessie Image and make the changes your application needs. Our Jessie image runs on CM1 as well as on CM3.