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Cycle time exceeded without using cycleloop() or mainloop()

Posted: 07 Dec 2022, 09:42
by RiSpa

The following Python script (IP-address is replaced by x's) gives continually repeated warnings resulting from line 5 (

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revpimodio2\ RuntimeWarning: cycle time of 50 ms exceeded - can not hold cycle time!

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import revpimodio2
revpi_ip = ""
rpi = revpimodio2.RevPiNetIO(revpi_ip, autorefresh=True)
while True:
This occurs due to

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instantiated by

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, which cyclicly reads the IO values from the Revolution Pi.
Simply writing (or reading) an IO instead of performing some task in a while loop works just fine. Most likely because the program is able to finish within the first cycle.

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should be run in a separate thread as I understand. That would mean that the while loop in the above script should not interfere and should not be the cause of any

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Why is this happening and how do I solve it?

Kind regards, any help is appreciated!

Re: Cycle time exceeded without using cycleloop() or mainloop()

Posted: 07 Dec 2022, 09:56
by RevPiModIO
Hi RiSpa!

Yes, the ProcimgWriter is a Thread, inside of your python process. Your code:

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while True:
is using all resources of our process and the ProcimgWriter thread can not hold the cycle time.