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Minimizing image size

Posted: 22 Nov 2022, 13:59
by Guilherme Matos

For some time I've been searching around for ways to reduce image size of revpi stretch for my core.
So far using the commands bellow i've reached the minimum of 48%

88% to 66%
sudo apt-get remove --purge x11-common
sudo apt-get autoremove
66% to 62%
sudo apt purge xserver* lightdm* raspberrypi-ui-mods vlc* lxde* chromium* desktop* gnome* gstreamer* gtk* hicolor-icon-theme* lx* mesa*
62% to 57%
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get clean

My intent is to use this Core+DIO to connect to cameras and sensors and be able to output a logfile with their data and in the long term to test (view current state on/off and reboot if needed) of said sensors.
So far, the things I want to use inside of it are pictory ( I believe it doesn't occupy much space anyway) and python 3.5+ to run scripts. This image still has the regular python preeinstalled. On this link ( ... 3538e7dd03) there seems to be a way to do said update but as I am new to linux cmd these instructions make me a bit confused.

Re: Minimizing image size

Posted: 22 Nov 2022, 15:17
by nicolaiB
Why not use the Buster Lite image?


Re: Minimizing image size

Posted: 22 Nov 2022, 17:29
by Guilherme Matos

The answer is in this topic.

Thank you for your reply.