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Rev Pi Connect Modbus RTU Master Initialisation

Posted: 19 Aug 2022, 11:07
by martinw

I have a control system that requires a Modbus RTU Master to communicate on power up.

The only way I can get the extended data to start transmitting on power up is to "file save as start-config" and then "tools reset driver" via PiCtory, then everything works.

Is there any other way (maybe programmatically?).



Re: Rev Pi Connect Modbus RTU Master Initialisation

Posted: 19 Aug 2022, 11:19
by nicolaiB
Hi Martin,

I'm not sure if I understood your questions correct, but you can do the driver reset via `piTest -x` programmatically.


Re: Rev Pi Connect Modbus RTU Master Initialisation

Posted: 19 Aug 2022, 11:25
by martinw
Hi Nicolai,

I know I can probably look in the code for piTest (-x), but what's the 'C' command to do that, I have a program running that I can add the command to.



Re: Rev Pi Connect Modbus RTU Master Initialisation

Posted: 19 Aug 2022, 12:42
by martinw
Found it :)


