Revpi connect leds and relay only pulse

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Joined: 02 Aug 2022, 17:37

Revpi connect leds and relay only pulse

Post by S_wauters »

I am using the revpi connect with codesys.
I can control led A2 trough the revpiled byte as expected ( red & green ).
However A1, A3 and the relay on X2 only give a short pulse on the rising edge signal of the according revpiled bit.

In codesys the bit stays in the condition i set it at and forcing it does not change the behavior.

signal :___,-----,__,-----,____
led :___I______I_______
relay :___I______I_______

i would like to use the relay on the X2 for shutdown indication so correct behavior is important.

What would be causing this behavior?
Posts: 91
Joined: 09 Mar 2022, 13:08

Re: Revpi connect leds and relay only pulse

Post by giuseppe »


we are not familiar with this behaviour. I have just tried this with our latest image and it all worked.
I have tried this with codesys and piTest.

Please follow the checklists below.

RevolutionPi Checklist
Codesys Checklist

I hope this will solve your problem.
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