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Ethernet signals decoding on PiBridge

Posted: 21 Feb 2022, 17:01
by songha
Hi community,
i have a project to emulate a Gateway modul, so that the master Connect/Core don't realize it a "fake" Gateway modul and keep the data exchange process with this emulated modul. To do that, i need to know the data exchange protocol between the master modul and Gateway modul. I have allready known that the initialising phase and address setting phase for Gateway is performed on RS-485 channel. And i can see all these phase on PicoScope. On other side, the cycllical data exchange phase between Gateway modul and master is performed on Ethernet channel of PiBridge. I can measure all signals on Ethernet channel with PicoScope but can't decode it when using 100Base-TX oder 10Base-T protocols.
1) So i guess that the Ethernet signals on PiBridge use another protocols for decoding? Please correct me if i wrong.
2) And if someone has allready decoded the Ethernet signals on PiBridge with PicoScope, please help me.
3) Is there any documentations about the data exchange phase between master modul and Gateways modul (eg. Profinet IRT) like request/response paket on Ethernet of Pibridge?

Thank you all in advance!

Re: Ethernet signals decoding on PiBridge

Posted: 23 Feb 2022, 09:38
Hello songha,

the date exhance via the basis modules to the gateways is done with the RevPi bridge.
Here you will find some infos to the RevPi bridge:

Additionally you will find more information about our modular gateways here:

BR, Julian, Support Team

Re: Ethernet signals decoding on PiBridge

Posted: 23 Feb 2022, 17:23
by songha
Thank you for your reply!
I have already found the answer for my 3.question when i take a look into the source code of RevPi Gate at ... vpi_gate.c and at ... eComMain.h
However i still don't find the answers for first and second question how to decode ethernet signal on PiBridge with Picoscope. Still need help please!

Thank you in advance!

Re: Ethernet signals decoding on PiBridge

Posted: 27 Feb 2022, 15:59
by nicolaiB
Dear song,

the communication is realized via ethernet. You will find everything necessary in the piControl repository. WIth tcpdump you can also trace the communication on a RevPi (interfaces are named pileft and piright).

Hope this helps,
