Kunbus Gateways devices emulation

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Kunbus Gateways devices emulation

Post by songha »

Hi everyones,

I really need your help with my current project, please!
The idea is as follows:
There are 2 RevPi Core A and B. Through an device (Gateway Emulation), the whole process image of Core A will be transferred to Core B. I emulated the Gateway device with a circuit board like the Xilinx Zybo Board. Master Core A and B will communicate with these Gateway Emulation as normal Gateway device, and thus process image data can be transferred over Ethernet channel on PiBridge. The question is:
1) Which Gateway device should I emulate so that the entire process image (about 4Kb of data) of Core A can be transferred to the Gateway at each cyclically data exchange process? (If I understood correctly, for example, with Profinet Gateway only 512 Bytes at each cyclically data exchange process can be exchanged with the Master, so only a portion of selected process image of Core A can be transferred ).
2) Can the process image be transferred to the Gateway while the Gateway does not reply back to Core A? I mean data will go in one direction only.
3) If i don't emulate Gateway devices, there is some ways to use ethernet channel on PiBridge for transporting the process images of Master device to outside?
I greatly appreciate any help! The answer can be in english or german.


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Re: Kunbus Gateways devices emulation

Post by dirk »

That sounds exciting. Unfortunately, I have to inform you that you cannot transfer the complete process image with a modular gateway. You have already recognized that correctly. The Modular Gateway product family was created before the Revolution Pi era. You can find more information here: https://www.kunbus.com/modular-gateways.html
One approach is to use Python to program a server and a client with which you can transfer data via TCP or UDP see here:
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