access to the process image

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access to the process image

Post by songha »

Hi community,

i'm newbie and really need your help, please.. i stuck now and don't know how to go forward...
i have a project as follow:
- I connected my revolution pi master (core, connect..) with an external board ( like xilinx zybo board ) per ethernet cable. On Zybo board i need to read all I/O data, counter data, ... of all slave revolution pi modules (DI, DO, DIO,AIO...), which connected with my master modul. So i have idea that i will write a program on Zybo board and access the process image of master per ethernet WITHOUT change anything on source code of master modul. But that means, that my Zybo is like a spy !? I don't know whether the master will give permission for an external access like that or not.
- If yes, please tell me how to do that. If no, that means i need to write some program and add this program to source code of master modul? This program will collect all I/O data and cyclically send it through ethernet gate of master to Zybo board. Can someone tell me how can i open the ethernet gate and use it for sending data please?

Thanks all in advance!
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Re: access to the process image

Post by nicolaiB »


You will need an application on the RevPi which gathers all the data and then sends it to your board. For this application you can use a variety of different languages like python, c or anything else which can deal with ioctl. For beginners I highly recommend to use Python with the library revpimodio2.

I don't know anything about the zybo board, but you probably can use mqtt or plain tcp for data exchange between these two devices.

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