After configuring module in Pictory, module is "not configured"

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After configuring module in Pictory, module is "not configured"

Post by etienne1984 »


Sorry another problem only some days after my first post...
I cannot explain this: I installed my DIO and AIO modules on left of my Core3+ unit.

I configured Core3+ and DIO through Pictory (added in slots, see screenshot) as on the DIN rail (they are properly connected with bridges).

I saved config (File -> Save As -> "bancDeTestConfig" -> OK), then clicked on Tools->ResetDriver. But my program still does nothing, and piTest -d gives:

Code: Select all

pi@RevPi39037:~/OpenPLC_v3/webserver/st_files $ piTest -d
Found 3 devices:

Address: 0 module type: 95 (0x5f) RevPi Core V1.2
Module is present
     input offset: 0 length: 6
    output offset: 6 length: 5

Address: 31 module type: 96 (0x60) RevPi DIO V1.4
Module is present, but NOT CONFIGURED!!!
     input offset: 11 length: 70
    output offset: 81 length: 18

Address: 30 module type: 103 (0x67) RevPi AIO V1.3
Module is present, but NOT CONFIGURED!!!
     input offset: 99 length: 20
    output offset: 119 length: 4
And in dmesg also, I can read the following lines after the driver reset:

Code: Select all

[10640.693935] piControl: Reset: BridgeState=2 
[10640.789336] piControl: stop data exchange
[10640.789383] piControl: piIoComm_gotoGateProtocol returned 0
[10640.789495] piControl: read file finished, f_pos=0
[10640.789502] piControl: config.rsc is empty! Probably needs to be configured in piCtory
[10640.789509] piControl: RevPiDevice_init()
[10640.789539] piControl: PADS 0 = 0x1b   slew=1  hyst=1  drive=3
[10640.789542] piControl: PADS 1 = 0x1b   slew=1  hyst=1  drive=3
[10640.789548] piControl: PADS 2 = 0x1b   slew=1  hyst=1  drive=3
[10640.789932] piControl: Enter Init State
[10640.790469] piControl: Enter PresentSignalling1 State
[10640.830174] piControl: Enter InitialSlaveDetectionRight State
[10640.830704] piControl: Enter InitialSlaveDetectionLeft State
[10640.831231] piControl: Enter ConfigLeftStart State
[10640.842175] piControl: Enter ConfigDialogueLeft State
[10640.869326] piControl: GetDeviceInfo: Id 96
[10640.899297] piControl: found 2. device on left side. Moduletype 96. Designated address 31
[10640.899308] piControl: input offset     11  len  70
[10640.899313] piControl: output offset    81  len  18
[10640.899848] piControl: Enter SlaveDetectionLeft State
[10640.910251] piControl: Enter ConfigDialogueLeft State
[10640.939288] piControl: GetDeviceInfo: Id 103
[10640.969361] piControl: found 3. device on left side. Moduletype 103. Designated address 30
[10640.969374] piControl: input offset     99  len  20
[10640.969379] piControl: output offset   119  len   4
[10640.969914] piControl: Enter SlaveDetectionLeft State
[10640.979800] piControl: Enter EndOfConfig State

[10640.979812] piControl: Device  0: Addr  0 Type  95  Act 1  In   6 Out   5
[10640.979817] piControl:            input offset      0  len   6
[10640.979822] piControl:            output offset     6  len   5
[10640.979827] piControl:            serial number 1  version 1.2
[10640.979834] piControl: Device  1: Addr 31 Type  96  Act 1  In  70 Out  18
[10640.979838] piControl:            input offset     11  len  70
[10640.979843] piControl:            output offset    81  len  18
[10640.979848] piControl:            serial number 44629  version 1.4
[10640.979854] piControl: Device  2: Addr 30 Type 103  Act 1  In  20 Out   4
[10640.979859] piControl:            input offset     99  len  20
[10640.979863] piControl:            output offset   119  len   4
[10640.979868] piControl:            serial number 44694  version 1.3
[10640.979872] piControl: 
[10640.979882] piControl: After Adjustment
[10640.979888] piControl: Device  0: Addr  0 Type  95  Act 1  In   6 Out   5
[10640.979893] piControl:            input offset      0  len   6
[10640.979897] piControl:            output offset     6  len   5
[10640.979903] piControl: Device  1: Addr 31 Type  96  Act 1  In  70 Out  18
[10640.979908] piControl:            input offset     11  len  70
[10640.979913] piControl:            output offset    81  len  18
[10640.979919] piControl: Device  2: Addr 30 Type 103  Act 1  In  20 Out   4
[10640.979924] piControl:            input offset     99  len  20
[10640.979928] piControl:            output offset   119  len   4
[10640.979932] piControl: 
[10641.099273] piControl: start data exchange
[10641.349354] piControl: piDIOComm_Init done 4
[10641.349366] piControl: piDIOComm_Init(31): Module not configured in pictory
[10641.349372] piControl: piAIOComm_Init done 4
[10641.349377] piControl: piAIOComm_Init(30): Module not configured in pictory
[10641.349387] piControl: set BridgeState to running
So, I found strange to read "[10197.997873] piControl: config.rsc is empty! Probably needs to be configured in piCtory". In /var/www/pictory/projects folder, I have:

Code: Select all

pi@RevPi39037:/var/www/pictory/projects $ ll
total 48
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 9877 Nov 22 16:54 bancDeTestConfig.rsc
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 9877 Nov 22 16:47 config2.rsc
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 9890 Nov 22 16:32 _config.rsc
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data  908 Nov 22 16:32 _ifconfigout.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root     root      723 Oct  5  2020 _README.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root     root      242 Oct  5  2020 _userSettings.json
Any help welcomed, I am stuck... Thank you!


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Re: After configuring module in Pictory, module is "not configured"

Post by nicolaiB »


Try "save as startup config" and reset the driver again :-)

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Re: After configuring module in Pictory, module is "not configured"

Post by etienne1984 »

Thank you but already tested (several times...), sorry...

Also tried reboot, no changes.
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Re: After configuring module in Pictory, module is "not configured"

Post by nicolaiB »


OK, I only asked because you metioned in your first post that you saved the configuration under a different name bancDeTestConfig and not used the menu entry "Save as Start-Config.".

Please share the output of the following commands:

Code: Select all

md5sum /etc/revpi/config.rsc

# if you run the older Stretch image
md5sum /var/www/pictory/projects/_config.rsc

# if you run our latest Buster image
md5sum /var/www/revpi/pictory/projects/_config.rsc

Please also share the complete file /etc/revpi/config.rsc as an attachement.

If you still are using the older Stretch image I highly recommend to upgrade to the latest Buster image!

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Re: After configuring module in Pictory, module is "not configured"

Post by etienne1984 »

Hello Nicolai,

Here is the output of commands you asked:

Code: Select all

pi@RevPi39037:~ $ md5sum /etc/revpi/config.rsc
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  /etc/revpi/config.rsc
pi@RevPi39037:~ $ md5sum /var/www/pictory/projects/_config.rsc
3923d461766742b0a0ef0f571d00b4f1  /var/www/pictory/projects/_config.rsc
pi@RevPi39037:~ $ md5sum /var/www/revpi/pictory/projects/_config.rsc
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  /var/www/revpi/pictory/projects/_config.rsc
But when you asked me to attach config.rsc file, the problem appeared immediately: the link is incorrect, it is:

Code: Select all

pi@RevPi39037:~ $ ll /etc/revpi
total 4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Nov 15 09:16 config.rsc -> /var/www/revpi/pictory/projects/_config.rsc
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 29 Mar  2  2020 image-release
Whereas files are in /var/www/pictory/projects/. It seems the downgrade operation you asked me to do in this thread: ... cadea2035f has not been processed correctly.

I manually fixed the link pointing to the good file and configuration works now.

I will probably update to Buster image, but as I installed and configured OpenPLC runtime, I would like not to process again its configuration.

Anyway, I was not aware of the possibility to update to this new image (and i I knew before, I would have processed to this update at the beginning of my installation process...), is this notified somewhere in the tutorials ? (If not, could you point that out somewhere ?)

Thank you for help,

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Re: After configuring module in Pictory, module is "not configured"

Post by nicolaiB »

Hi Etienne,

I'm glad to hear, that you were able to fix this issue!

In theory you could upgrade the system from stretch to buster in the debian way, but this is not recommended by us. The prefered way is to flash the new image as described in our tutorials and reinstall the custom applications afterwards.

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Re: After configuring module in Pictory, module is "not configured"

Post by etienne1984 »

OK thank you.
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