ConCan Not Getting Any Data
Posted: 10 Nov 2021, 11:39
Hey! I'd greatly appreciate some help with my setup here.
Currently running this system:
Previously we used RPI 3b+ with Pican2 using SocketCan which worked well.
Now I've setup the ConCan with pictory, followed the instruction in the tutorial page. I can use "ifconfig" and see that can0 is up and running, also setting all 3 units to 500KBPS.
The arduino nano and Arduino Uno can currently speak with each other through CAN. And earlier the rasperry pi 3b+ could also talk with the arduinos.
The problem is when using either candump can0 i don't see any messages nor do the arduinos if i use cansend.
Currently running this system:
- RevPi Connect+ with ConCan
- Arduino Uno with MCP2515 & TJA1051
- Arduino Nano with MCP2515 & TJA1051
Previously we used RPI 3b+ with Pican2 using SocketCan which worked well.
Now I've setup the ConCan with pictory, followed the instruction in the tutorial page. I can use "ifconfig" and see that can0 is up and running, also setting all 3 units to 500KBPS.
The arduino nano and Arduino Uno can currently speak with each other through CAN. And earlier the rasperry pi 3b+ could also talk with the arduinos.
The problem is when using either candump can0 i don't see any messages nor do the arduinos if i use cansend.