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change slave_IP_address / slave_TCP_port

Posted: 01 Sep 2021, 16:56
by Maxence

I am looking if it is possible de change the slave_IP_address and slave_TCP_port by software.
I am writing a application for a customer, where we need to install a few identical configuration but to request information each on a specific PLC by modbus master.
I am expecting to give the PCL IP address by a config file read a the start of the program.

I am working with a Kunbus Pi Core 3

Many thanks in advance for you answer



Re: change slave_IP_address / slave_TCP_port

Posted: 07 Sep 2021, 14:43
by dirk
Hi Maxence, in PiCtory there are values which cannot be changed dynamically, e.g. "MEM".
A workaround is to edit the "_config.rsc", e.g. with "sed". Then use "piTest -x" to make this change live.