Updating pictory from 1.4.2 to 1.4.7 mess up
Posted: 05 Aug 2021, 14:35
I updated pictory from 1.4.2 to 1.4.7 and it looks like several things don't work as expected. (strecth image of course)
First of all we lost a part of the modbus configuration : corresponding to in _config.rsc,
where 0 to 4 content was replaced by things like that
I had to retrieve it from and old _config.rsc file
Did it happen before ?
My second concern is about the modbusRTU master configuration.
I wanted to disable the 32 rows limit.
It seems that even if the configuration is correct (for the slave) for every row after n°32 I don't retrieve any value (0) with piTest -r. but before row 32 the exact same sensor gives the value as expected: How can it be solved ?
Thanks for your help
I updated pictory from 1.4.2 to 1.4.7 and it looks like several things don't work as expected. (strecth image of course)
First of all we lost a part of the modbus configuration : corresponding to
Code: Select all
{"0": ["device_path","/dev/ttyRS485","256","410",false,"0312","INFO: value modified to adapt base device type",""],
"1": ["baud_rate","19200","32","442",false,"0313","",""],
"2": ["parity","0","8","446",false,"0314","",""],
"3": ["data_bits","8","8","447",false,"0315","",""],
"4": ["stop_bits","1","8","448",false,"0316","",""]
where 0 to 4 content was replaced by things like that
Code: Select all
"Action_Status_Reset_18","0","8","409",false,"0311", "",""
Did it happen before ?
My second concern is about the modbusRTU master configuration.
I wanted to disable the 32 rows limit.
It seems that even if the configuration is correct (for the slave) for every row after n°32 I don't retrieve any value (0) with piTest -r. but before row 32 the exact same sensor gives the value as expected: How can it be solved ?
Thanks for your help