Hi, we tested the raspi camera port on Compact, there is always an error like: Camera control callback: No data received from sensor.
We tried to solve it by re connect the device, update/upgrade the firmware. For some devices, the error disappeared and the camera works well. But for some devices, the error can't be solved at all.
The funny thing is, all the devices are new, with all the same settings, and the camera device is the same, why the result is so different?
We suspect the reason maybe the difference of the hardware, we noticed the mini-hdmi port in some devices is deep from the plastic case, which caused the insertion not firm enough?
Would you please kindly share your insight on this issue? any suggestions to solve the problem?
Regarding the error when install raspi camera on Compact
Re: Regarding the error when install raspi camera on Compact
Dear Wang,
thanks for your patience.
Here is the status update:
The HDMI interface is present but is not considered a warranted capability, therefore we do not warrant or support the HDMI interface.
thanks for your patience.
Here is the status update:
The HDMI interface is present but is not considered a warranted capability, therefore we do not warrant or support the HDMI interface.