Regarding the power connection on compact

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Regarding the power connection on compact

Post by Wang »

hi, we noticed that there should be 2 power supply, 1 connects to the Power Supply connector, the other connects to the Digital Outputs connector. Is our understanding correct? If yes, which one should be powered first? Does the sequence matter?

Re: Regarding the power connection on compact

Post by ->Johannes<- »

Hi Wang,

yes, you understand correctly.
No, the sequence does not matter.

Here some links to our tutorial RevPi Compact

Connecting power supply (Compact) - Industrial Raspberry Pi

Do not connect the RevPi Compact to the power supply until all other devices and plugs are connected.
If the RevPi Compact is already connected to the power source before you connect other devices, the devices may be destroyed.Make sure that the wiring is correct, otherwise it is possible that your devices will be destroyed!

Digital Inputs and Outputs (Compact) - Industrial Raspberry Pi


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