Gateway stacking limit

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Gateway stacking limit

Post by vesco »

Dear all,

we would like to use RevPi Core 3+ as a serial protocol gateway in the way to use several Serial Gateways (RS232/485, item no. 100068) connected to one Core3+. I am not sure is this possible, as it is said the Gateway needs to be the last module connected to the RevPi stack.

So is it possible to stack several Serial Gateways to one Core3+? What is the limit?
If not, is there any other solution to the problem of using multiple serial (RS232/485) ports connected to any other KUNBUS product?

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Re: Gateway stacking limit

Post by dirk »

Hi vesco, have a look at our knowledge base article "RevolutionPi questions and answers" at "How much RevPi IO Modules can I connect to a RevPi". You have to register an account with your email address to get access to the article. The registration form is currently in German language only available. Here is a short animation how it works:
Video.JSD.Registration GIF.gif
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