More RAM on RevPi

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More RAM on RevPi

Post by RMeissnerCC »

Dear all,
currently, all Revolution Pi controller models have only 1GB of RAM, which is rahter small. Are there plans to - soon - increase RAM?

For an application we need to have a system of nodes and a webserver run on each controller and fear, that we will be mainly limited by the RAM, thus forcing us to switch to other controller vendors.
Best, Robert
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Re: More RAM on RevPi

Post by pi_admin »

Hello Robert,
we are planing to release the first RevPi with a CM4 module this fall. It is not sure yet which module variant we will start with and if we will equip the new RevPis with all possible CM4 variants (there are 72 different CM4 modules), but we will definitely start with a version that has more than 1 GB RAM.
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Re: More RAM on RevPi

Post by HolgerSchernewski »

please correct me if I'm wrong but I've only see new CM4 modules with RAM 1 GB. Could you give me an timeline when there will be more than 1 GB available in your shop? It would be so much easier for further development if we can use more RAM and don't need to use the swap memory function.
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Re: More RAM on RevPi

Post by u.biakoup »

HolgerSchernewski wrote: 05 Sep 2023, 08:28 Hello,
please correct me if I'm wrong but I've only see new CM4 modules with RAM 1 GB. Could you give me an timeline when there will be more than 1 GB available in your shop? It would be so much easier for further development if we can use more RAM and don't need to use the swap memory function.
Hello HolgerSchernewski,

We have the new RevPi connect 4 based on CM4. The RAM is up to 8 GB LPDDR4. More details, see here.

Best Regards,

Ulrich Kouatang Biakoup | Technical Support
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Re: More RAM on RevPi

Post by pi_admin »

HolgerSchernewski wrote: 05 Sep 2023, 08:28 Hello,
please correct me if I'm wrong but I've only see new CM4 modules with RAM 1 GB. Could you give me an timeline when there will be more than 1 GB available in your shop? It would be so much easier for further development if we can use more RAM and don't need to use the swap memory function.
Hi Holger,

right now we only have the RevPi Connect series equipped with the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 with up to 8 GB RAM.
The RevPi Core is only available with the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4S which is limited to 1 GB RAM.

Currently, we have five versions of the RevPi Connect 4:

RevPi Connect 4 with 2 GB RAM and 8 GB eMMC (no WLAN/BT) -> Article no.: 100376 (available from October 2023)
RevPi Connect 4 with 2 GB RAM and 8 GB eMMC and WLAN/BT -> Article no.: 100377 (on stock)
RevPi Connect 4 with 4 GB RAM and 32 GB eMMC (no WLAN/BT) -> Article no.: 100378 (on stock)
RevPi Connect 4 with 4 GB RAM and 32 GB eMMC and WLAN/BT -> Article no.: 100379 (on stock)
RevPi Connect 4 with 8 GB RAM and 32 GB eMMC and WLAN/BT -> Article no.: 100380 (on stock)

You can order them either directly in our online shop:
or from one of our distributors.
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