Profibus Gate flashing red power light

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Profibus Gate flashing red power light

Post by moranbro »


I am using a RevPi Connect with a Profibus Gate connected to each other. I have configured their connection on PiCtory and have saved to the start config. However the gate Profibus power light continure to blink red and running piTest -d on the revpi shows Module is NOT present, data is NOT available!!!

Any advice on how to fix this is much appreciate. I will also be able to answer any further questions that could help troubleshoot my issue.


Re: Profibus Gate flashing red power light

Post by ->Johannes<- »

Hi moranbro,

did you reset the driver in PiCtory?

At first "File--> Save as Start-Config", then "Tools --> "Reset Driver"

Tutorial, but there is a missing part at Example: with "File--> Save as Start Config", we have to correct that.

If that does not help, please send some more information like your Pictory-Configuration and your steps from beginning to failure.

Best regards,

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Joined: 24 Feb 2021, 07:47

Re: Profibus Gate flashing red power light

Post by moranbro »

Thanks for replying. I have attached information from PiCtory that I am saving as the start config and then reseting the driver of the profibus. I have a RevPi core that I have been able to successfully connect to the profibus gateway but I cannot get this connect revpi to work. I need to use the Connect for the two ethernet ports. To replicate I:
- Connect both the connect module and profibus gateway to a power supply
- Turn power supply on
- Enter revpi connect ip address into a web browser and log in to PiCtory
- Drag the RevPi Connect/+ module onto a slot
- Drag the Gateway profibus to the slot positioned to the left of the RevPi Connect/+ module
- Set input/outputs to 512 on the profibus module
- File -> Save as Start-Config.
- Tools -> Reset Driver
- Power cycle the system
- Observe that when reboot is complete, the power light of the profibus gate is blinking red
- run piTest -d in terminal
- The command returns "Module is NOT present, data is NOT available!!!"
image_2021-03-01_153902.png (245.42 KiB) Viewed 6524 times

Re: Profibus Gate flashing red power light

Post by ->Johannes<- »

Hi moranbro,

only the power LED flashes red?

I think we need more informations, we will get with a SOS-Report.
Here is the instruction for the SOS-Report:

Code: Select all

sudo apt update
sudo apt install revpi-tools
Instruction for the command:

Code: Select all

pi@RevPi40302:~ $ revpi-sos
The report will be generated under folder /tmp in a .tar.xz file, which
can be extracted with command: tar -Jxvf xxx.tar.xz in linux or 7zip in Windows.
And then some inspection can be done before it is sent to
Are you going to continue (N/y)?y
report generating...

Your report has been generated and saved in:

To make the report have better accessibility, the ownership of the report
can be changed to the current user.
Are you going to proceed(N/y)?y
The ownership of /tmp/sosreport-RevPi40302-20201102163308.tar.xz has been changed to user:pi
Please have in mind that you agree to send us private data i.e. IP address.

Send the report to with following subject:
SUP-3024 Profibus Gate flashing red power light

Best regards,

Re: Profibus Gate flashing red power light

Post by ->Johannes<- »

Hi moranbro,

your SOS-Report has reached us.
We will check the report, so I have to ask you for a patience. I will contact you as soon as there are any findings.

Best regards,

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Joined: 23 Nov 2016, 11:30

Re: Profibus Gate flashing red power light

Post by MaxMueller »

Hello, can you tell me how the problem was solved? I am facing the same problem.
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Re: Profibus Gate flashing red power light

Post by nicolaiB »

Hi Max,

please share the following information:

  • kern.log
  • Image version (/etc/revpi/image-release)
  • pictory config (/var/www/revpi/pictory/projects/config.rsc)

To gather all requested details (and more), you can also use our support tools revpi-sos.

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Joined: 23 Nov 2016, 11:30

Re: Profibus Gate flashing red power light

Post by MaxMueller »

We have been able to find our mistake. We have our own operating system running on the RevPi's and forgot to specify the IP address space for the "pileft" Ethernet interface. So of course the communication did not work and the power LED on the Profibus module was blinking red. Now it is green and everything is fine.
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