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Raspbian Buster

Posted: 15 Jan 2021, 18:54
by simplelife2010

I need a Buster based Raspbian image for the RevPi 3. Preferrably based on Raspbian Lite.

Will the imagebakery work with Buster? If not, how should I proceed.

Kind regards

Re: Raspbian Buster

Posted: 18 Jan 2021, 11:10
by dirk
Hi Bruno, we are currently working on the RevPi Buster Image. We plan to release by the end of January. Please subscribe to the channels to be informed the fastest way. There is a video tutorial about the community channels: ... ials/#VT19

Re: Raspbian Buster

Posted: 08 Feb 2021, 18:08
by FrancoTampieri
Hi @dirk do u have any update on the release of buster for revpi?
I see on GitHub the repo with the Buster branch is accessible?
I would like as simplelife2010 start to using Buster for some development purpose :)

Thanks in advice :)

Re: Raspbian Buster

Posted: 07 Apr 2021, 12:13
by p.rosenberger
Hi Franco,

the imagebakery is now ready for Buster. But keep in mind, this is all still BETA: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2757

Best Regards,

Re: Raspbian Buster

Posted: 14 May 2021, 15:50
by richard.vezina

I wonder if buster will support RevPi Core product?

Also, if you make any progress and if you have a better idea when it gonna be released.



Re: Raspbian Buster

Posted: 17 May 2021, 08:29
by p.rosenberger
Hi Richard,

the Buster release is out. Se this thread: Buster Image 04/2021

Best Regards