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RevPi implemetation

Posted: 22 Oct 2020, 16:06
by Hui
Hi guys,

I am interested in using RevPi for my project as described below. But not entirely sure RevPi able provide me to achieve the requirements.

1. Real time data collections via Modbus & store in a txt file. (RevPi as master, devices as slave)
2. Specifying I/O pin to output any control signal
3. Communicate with host pc for file transfer

I am looking to perform the above using Python, and wonder RevPi provides any python libraries in specifying all the hardware coding requirements.

Thank you

Re: RevPi implemetation

Posted: 27 Oct 2020, 14:50
by dirk
Hi Hui,
>Real time data collections via Modbus & store in a txt file. (RevPi as master, devices as slave)
It is possible using the virtual Modbus Master ,have a look at the video tutorial. ... rect=en_US
  • Tutorial 20 – Modbus TCP Master
  • Tutorial 21 – Modbus RTU Master
>Specifying I/O pin to output any control signal
With the RevPi Connect you have one relais output included and also a digital input.
With the other moduels you might use one or more DI or DIO Modules for this.

>Communicate with host pc for file transfer
Well yes if you want separated Ethernet interfaces you can use the RevPi Connect Module so that your shop-flor and your WAN interface is separated.