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RePi Connect with Cellular (LTE)

Posted: 30 Sep 2020, 17:14
by jaime.souza
I am looking for an Industrial IoT Gateway and I have already used RevPi Connect for some applications where we have internet cable connection in the field.

Nevertheless we have many applications that we need LTE Cellular modem.

Are you in Revolution Pi planing to develop a RevPi Connect (or a CON Module) that includes 4G/3G connectivity?


p.e.: My customers (Industrial old school guys) are not very happy with USB sticks solutions.

Re: RePi Connect with Cellular (LTE)

Posted: 02 Oct 2020, 08:22
by dirk
Hi jaime.souza, I'll diskuss your good idea with the stakeholders. Meanwhile have a look at the "LTE & Wifi Router RUT950 incl. DIN-Rail Adapter".

Re: RePi Connect with Cellular (LTE)

Posted: 14 May 2021, 07:45
by miguelhb
Hi Dirk,

Do you have any update regarding this topic?


Re: RePi Connect with Cellular (LTE)

Posted: 02 Jun 2022, 13:41
by freek
Hi, Just stumbled across this inquiring post. Although the topic is somewhat old, for us it is still very relevant.
Is Kunbus planning on producing such a LTE/4G expansion module? I Would be very interested!

Re: RePi Connect with Cellular (LTE)

Posted: 03 Jun 2022, 10:15
by nicolaiB
Hi freek,

there are no plans for a LTE expansion module in the near future. I would therefore recommend using an industrial router like the Teltonika Dirk already suggested.


Re: RePi Connect with Cellular (LTE)

Posted: 13 Oct 2023, 12:57
by nils.toedtmann

Are there any updates on this? Not having cellular connectivity either built-in or as extension module is unfortunately a deal-breaker for us.

We have been using Teltonika routers a lot in the past, and they are good quality. But we have moved on to use built-in LTE modules in our IoT gateways:

- Better diagnostics
- SMS messages in case of poor signal
- No added point of failure
- No extra device/model to fleet-manage

Also it's better from a security perspective and easier to pass corporate ITsec requirements:
- A mobile router could be (accidentally or on purpose) used by other parties/parts
- A mobile router would require regular firmware updates (see fleet management above)

We are not going back. And USB modems are not an option for similar reasons.

We really like the RevPi and would consider it as base for a DIN-rail IoT gateway. But without LTE built-in or as extension, it's not an option.