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Image read-out lock bits or similar

Posted: 17 Sep 2020, 09:30
by mrwinter

I'm no security expert, however I assume in an industrial setting (particulary a remote industrial setting) that it would be quite easy to read out the image, mount it on another machine, play with a bit and reinstall it.

Is there some way to prevent the image being read out (I only known lock bits / fuses on microcontrollers)?

Are there any other security features to prevent unauthorized access or the installation of unauthorized software I can read up on?

Admittedly having the flash build in and not waving around on an external SSD card is a good start :)


Re: Image read-out lock bits or similar

Posted: 17 Sep 2020, 09:47
by dirk
Hi, unfortunately if someone has physical access to the device there is no protection for reading out the image. The idea is to use the crypto chip on the device to enable protection. Have a look at the FAQs how to use it.