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jessie with rt-patch

Posted: 05 Apr 2017, 09:04
by jykim

I'm trying to install qt5 on RevPi.
But when I type "qmake", RevPi shows "Segmentation fault" so qt5 doesn't work on debian wheezy with rt-patch version.

Is there OS(jessie with rt-patch version)? or Is there anyone who installs qt5 on RevPi(wheezy with rt-patch version)?
Please help me.

Thanks in advance.

Re: jessie with rt-patch

Posted: 14 Apr 2017, 11:14
by volker
we will release the Jessie image for CM1 and CM3 soon. It is sceduled for the 1st week in May.

Re: jessie with rt-patch

Posted: 04 May 2017, 09:06
by koen

Is there any news on the Jessie images?

Thanks in advance

Re: jessie with rt-patch

Posted: 04 May 2017, 13:16
by volker
we expect it to be published in week 20.

Re: jessie with rt-patch

Posted: 16 May 2017, 10:59
by LSommer
We, too, have quite a few problems with not having Jessie as the current OS on the Revolution Pi. Is there any update on this topic?



Re: jessie with rt-patch

Posted: 16 May 2017, 15:26
by volker
Our team is working hard to get the last things tested. we will release next week...