I'm trying to install qt5 on RevPi.
But when I type "qmake", RevPi shows "Segmentation fault" so qt5 doesn't work on debian wheezy with rt-patch version.
Is there OS(jessie with rt-patch version)? or Is there anyone who installs qt5 on RevPi(wheezy with rt-patch version)?
Please help me.
Thanks in advance.
jessie with rt-patch
we will release the Jessie image for CM1 and CM3 soon. It is sceduled for the 1st week in May.
we will release the Jessie image for CM1 and CM3 soon. It is sceduled for the 1st week in May.
Unser RevPi Motto: Don't just claim it - make it!
Is there any news on the Jessie images?
Thanks in advance
Is there any news on the Jessie images?
Thanks in advance
we expect it to be published in week 20.
Unser RevPi Motto: Don't just claim it - make it!
We, too, have quite a few problems with not having Jessie as the current OS on the Revolution Pi. Is there any update on this topic?
Our team is working hard to get the last things tested. we will release next week...
Unser RevPi Motto: Don't just claim it - make it!