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Graphic Interface

Posted: 20 Mar 2017, 14:39
by flaviuscindea
I managed to format de PI, and install the image on it.
- Noobs worked but no debian found on it >
- Rasbian jessie with pixel worked to install image but failed to normal startup(error), due the extra space needed I guess >
- Rasbian jessie lite worked just fine, accept the username and password(pi and raspberry) BUT when I type "startx" for GUI interface it says "Command not found".
elena.png (38.06 KiB) Viewed 5124 times
It's the bad sofware I install or I made a mistake somewhere?
Please help me.
Thank you.

Re: Graphic Interface

Posted: 20 Mar 2017, 15:40
by volker
but revolution Pi is NOT an ordinary raspberry Pi and you CAN'T simply use raspi images on it. hopefully you have read the instructions and tutorials and have made an image copy before you've deleted your image. The image has specific data of your device written on it during end of production line (e.g. serial number and MAC) which is difficult to restore.
Good luck,