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Revpi connect magnetic contact
Posted: 30 Sep 2019, 15:05
by qst
Is it possible to connect a magnetic contact sensor to a Revpi connect.
And if so which ports should I use to connect it and how do i test/read the input value?
Re: Revpi connect magnetic contact
Posted: 02 Oct 2019, 07:12
by dirk
Hi qst, could you share some technical information about your idea? The
digital input was designed in order to use the RevPi Connect with an UPS.
Re: Revpi connect magnetic contact
Posted: 02 Oct 2019, 15:08
by qst
Hello Dirk
Thanks for your answer. We have solved it by using the digital input together with a simple switch magnetic connector.
Regards qst
Re: Revpi connect magnetic contact
Posted: 16 Sep 2020, 09:17
by dirk
Hi qst, thank you for your positive feedback. And LyonSanks thank you for your interesting thoughts.