C integration with ARRAY VAR
Posted: 23 May 2019, 12:07
Good morning,
I'm integrating some C code into a logi.CAD 3 project and I need to define the interface for a C-block.
One of the interface variable has to be an ARRAY OF STRING, as show in the code below:
And here the C function definition where I would like to access to the variable defined:
When I try to build the application the following generic error message appears (the “Problems” tag is empty):
The same happens when I use ARRAY OF DINT.
If I comment the ARRAY definition in the interface file, the build is successfully.
I would like to know if I miss something.
I'm integrating some C code into a logi.CAD 3 project and I need to define the interface for a C-block.
One of the interface variable has to be an ARRAY OF STRING, as show in the code below:
Code: Select all
FUNCTION_BLOCK readConfigurationFile
filePath : STRING[256];
content : ARRAY[1..100] OF STRING[256];
//content_test : ARRAY[1..100] OF DINT;
//content : STRING[25600];
content_first_line: STRING[512];
readLines : UDINT := 0;
And here the C function definition where I would like to access to the variable defined:
Code: Select all
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <lcfu___readconfigurationfile.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define V(VAR) (LC_this->LC_VD_##VAR)
/* dimension nodes */
/* array nodes */
/* FunctionBlocks */
void lcfu___READCONFIGURATIONFILE(LC_TD_FunctionBlock_READCONFIGURATIONFILE* LC_this, struct _lcoplck_epdb_1_impl* pEPDB)
// V(CONTENT)[0] = "e";
// V(CONTENT)[0] = 10;
When I try to build the application the following generic error message appears (the “Problems” tag is empty):
The same happens when I use ARRAY OF DINT.
If I comment the ARRAY definition in the interface file, the build is successfully.
I would like to know if I miss something.