It's been a pretty long week
Maybe we could get an update on the planned Stretch release date?
Raspbian Stretch
Yes, this week is getting long.
My device is kinda useless for what I want to do, until the Stretch image is available.
My device is kinda useless for what I want to do, until the Stretch image is available.
Could we please get a status-update on the Stretch image release?
It's been long since this was announced (about a year), and some of us are eagerly anticipating this.
It's been long since this was announced (about a year), and some of us are eagerly anticipating this.
Last update as far as I can tell on the Stretch release date: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=802#p3268
please do always subscribe to "news & announcement" forum to get the latest info about such topics. Since yesterday we've published the new Stretch image.
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