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Re: RevPi Core 3+: no Pictory, error 403 in browser

Posted: 17 Nov 2021, 13:29
by etienne1984
OK thank you!

Re: RevPi Core 3+: no Pictory, error 403 in browser

Posted: 17 Nov 2021, 17:44
by RR4711
Is there a possibility to expedite this fix?

I need to deploy a device in a remote area (Amazon Rainforest) as of tuesday next week and it would be good to have a system where an "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" doesn't break basic functionality. We have Satellite Internet connection but not necessarily remote access.

Re: RevPi Core 3+: no Pictory, error 403 in browser

Posted: 17 Nov 2021, 18:30
by RR4711
Ich hab da außerdem folgendes Problem:

Code: Select all

sudo apt install pictory=1.4.7 revpi-webstatus=1.2.10
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Version '1.4.7' for 'pictory' was not found
E: Version '1.2.10' for 'revpi-webstatus' was not found

Re: RevPi Core 3+: no Pictory, error 403 in browser

Posted: 17 Nov 2021, 18:47
by nicolaiB
Hallo RR4711,

nutzt du da tatsächlich noch Stretch oder schon Buster? Der besagte Fehler trat nur unter Stretch auf und die betroffenen Pakete sind aus dem Repository entfernt worden, sodass der Hotfix nur notwendig ist, wenn die Pakete unter Stretch in den letzten Tagen per Update installiert wurden.

Gruß Nicolai

Re: RevPi Core 3+: no Pictory, error 403 in browser

Posted: 17 Nov 2021, 18:50
by RR4711
Sorry nee dann war das Missverständnis von mir. Ist Buster mit allen Updates. Dann ist alles gut :-)
Bin nur gerade alles am Aufsetzen und hab im Forum nochmal überflogen ob noch irgendwelche Pitfalls auftreten könnten. Das mit dem MODBUS fix kommt mir sehr gelegen :)

Re: RevPi Core 3+: no Pictory, error 403 in browser

Posted: 21 Nov 2021, 20:53
by Daniele.tampieri
I had the same problem last week with my laboratory Core 3+: then I flashed the Buster image and it now works correctly.

Re: RevPi Core 3+: no Pictory, error 403 in browser

Posted: 27 Nov 2021, 16:52
by bertf
Same problem over here, but on a production Core 3+. There goes my weekend ;-\ Downgrading pictory and revpi-webstatus doesn't solve the problem. All variables/settings in Pictory are gone after downgrading! PiTest -d shows the devices, but they all have to be configured again. Has anyone found a solution yet, other than starting with a clean Buster image and start again from scratch?

Re: RevPi Core 3+: no Pictory, error 403 in browser

Posted: 28 Nov 2021, 22:11
by nicolaiB
Hi bertf,

I'm sorry to hear that your system is not working as expected. Which image version are you using? Stretch or buster?
