AIO MODULE: Change InputRange/OutputRange Value

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AIO MODULE: Change InputRange/OutputRange Value

Post by Marcos »

Hi dears,
Using piTest code it is possible to read from inputs and to control outputs (for an AIO module in my case).
Is there a way to change InputRange/OutputRange value without using PiCtory?
Thanks for any answer

Re: AIO MODULE: Change InputRange/OutputRange Value

Post by ->Johannes<- »

Hi Marcos,

First some questions:
  • What is your intention with your request?
  • Why do you not want to use Pictory?
  • Do you change your configuration so often?

Answer to your request.

Yes, it is possible.
  • First you have to save a configuration in Pictory with your hardware. So it is easier to change parameters.
  • In the directory /var/www/pictory/projects/ you will find "_config.rsc", this is the configuration in pictory.
  • Look at this file, now you have to check where your parameter is that you want to change.
  • change the value
  • save the file
  • reset the driver with piTest -x.

Another possibility is that you save a variety of configurations with "Save as" in pictory and save the desired configuration as "_config.rsc" without Pictory.

If you want to create your own configuration without Pictory, this is also possible, but it is elaborate.

Best regards
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Re: AIO MODULE: Change InputRange/OutputRange Value

Post by Marcos »

Dear Johannes thank you so much for your reply.
I'm a team development member of a new framework, DELIS, which is intended to be a universal IOT platform. Through a service-oriented logic, we want to control several different resources and devices technologically heterogeneous. Our purpose is not to go deep into each technology but to make it as easy as possible using it without big effort for the user. In this scenario, we love and use Revolution Pi.
Our intention is to use RevolutionPi as our industrial piece of hardware. Technically speaking, in the world of RevolutionPi, Pictory is a great tool but for the outside world of DELIS it could be too complex to be used with the rest. So, for our scope, change little things, read from the inputs and write to the outputs could be enough. We do not change the configuration so often but we plan to use dozens (or maybe more) of RevolutionPis and changing some little things from DELIS could be of help. Imagine DELIS as a centralized cloud platform (but not necessarily) to acquire data from remote sites.
I hope I have been thorough with my answers.
Thanks again

Re: AIO MODULE: Change InputRange/OutputRange Value

Post by ->Johannes<- »

Hi Marco,

sounds interesting.
Do you have a link to your Development DELIS?

Best regards
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Re: AIO MODULE: Change InputRange/OutputRange Value

Post by Marcos »

Dear Johannes,
I’m happy about your interest.
I will share here the link for a demo as soon as it will be ready.
Best Regards
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