RevPi IO fault detection

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RevPi IO fault detection

Post by Skjegget »

I'm currently testing out fault scenarios regarding RevPi IO to make sure our software will correctly capture and present IO errors to the user.
I have some questions, hope you find time to answer:

1. The DI card (also DI part of DIO) has L (bit UV2) and LL (bit UV1) voltage detection on X2-I terminal. Why are these bit's not available for the DO part, hence the X2-O terminal?
2. OutputOpenLoadDetection for a DO card, as I understand enables monitoring of the loop load - and shall alert if loop is broken (open). Correct?
Then, following is stated:
In case of an error, the corresponding bits are set in the variable “Output Status” (Offset 2). As a result, all outputs are switched off and the status LED on the DIO/DO module flashes permanently red, as in all error cases.
So, is it really so that if one single loop on a DO card is broken(open) - all outputs are switched off?

Wbr Torbjørn
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Re: RevPi IO fault detection

Post by Skjegget »

I did a test, and all outputs will deenergize if only one "open loop" is detected. I find this strange, as the other loops should not be affected?
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Re: RevPi IO fault detection

Post by Skjegget »

Hi again, anyone able to answer these questions? Thanks.
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Re: RevPi IO fault detection

Post by dirk »

Hi, we are currently working on this topic.
1) we are analyzing it
2) Yes, it is so, we have recreated the setup, at O_2 hangs a relay with 24V coil, at O_4 a lamp with 5Watt, O_2 is monitored for open loop. When we open O_2 the lamp at O_4 goes off.
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Re: RevPi IO fault detection

Post by dirk »

Hi Both UV1 & UV2, are only available on DI and DIO, as these come from the input IC (MAX31913 - datasheet S10).
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