OutputPushPull behaviour

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Posts: 2
Joined: 29 Jan 2021, 15:57

OutputPushPull behaviour

Post by skizz0to »

Hi all,
I am developing a solutions with revpicore 3+ and DIO module.
I was just verifing how to program dio module and found something i do not understand.
If I set the OutputPushPull variable for Out1 I measure with multimeter always erratic values (not 0 like should be) when off e value as expected on ON.
Monitoring with tester anyway I notice that programming variable OutputPushPull by Pictory have an effect on floating values measured by multimeter (about an half from 80 mV to 40 mV) and this is the same behaviour on all Output.
Perhaps, I am approching in wrong way but I knew that in push-pull mode i should not have floating values on open state.
Thanks to can help me

Re: OutputPushPull behaviour

Post by ->Johannes<- »

Hello skizz,
could you give us some more information?
  • What does your circuit diagram look like? Or do you have a picture of your wiring that shows how you wired your circuit?
  • Can you explain or show us exactly where you measure?
This will help us understand what you are doing or what is happening.

Thanks and greetings
Posts: 2
Joined: 29 Jan 2021, 15:57

Re: OutputPushPull behaviour

Post by skizz0to »

Hi Johannes,,
I connected dio in/out and revpi power line to same power supply at 24 volts.
I tested line Out (more than one with same behaviour) with my Hp multimeter between Out pin and ground pin.
When I switch on output I read correctly 24V. When switched off I do not read 0 Volts as aspected but some floating values, with small difference depending on
OutputPushPull active or not as written in my message.
Thanks for your help
IMG_20210209_092057.jpg (77.94 KiB) Viewed 3399 times

Re: OutputPushPull behaviour

Post by ->Johannes<- »

Hi skizz,
sorry for late response.

Could you prompt following command at your terminal?

Code: Select all

piTest -r OutputPushPull_11
(maybe the variable name is a little bit different depending on your amount of choosen Outputs, look at Pictory and mark, copy and paste the whole variable)

2021-03-08 13_20_29-PiCtory - 1.4.7.png
2021-03-08 13_20_29-PiCtory - 1.4.7.png (196.21 KiB) Viewed 2655 times

and post it here?!

Best regards,
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